Municipal Museum of Krško


Mestni muzej Krško
Valvasorjevo nabrežje 4, SI-8270 Krško
Phone386 (0) 7 492 1100
Past events

Newly opened in 2010 and managed by the Krško Culture House, the Municipal Museum of Krško is located in a late-renaissance mansion in the old city centre of Krško. Its prime function is to research, archive, and present the historical artefacts and insights about the Municipality of Krško, featuring its historic figures, events, cultural traits, socio-economic relations, and so on.

Among these, a special place is set for the great explorer and polyhistor Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641–1693), of whom the museum holds a permanent display and whose house (and the legacy of its later owners) is also managed by the museum. Besides this, the museum accommodates both permanent as well as temporary exhibitions, collaborates with the local artisans, and runs a diverse cultural and educational programme, from lectures and workshops to poetry evenings, concerts, and other events. Two atrium spaces and one multi-purpose hall are used for such occasions.


The institutional history of the museum can be traced back to 1939, when the Museum Society for Political Districts of Brežice and Krško was founded. At the time, it was partly set in the desacralised church, which is nowadays home of the Krško Gallery, and partly in the mansion it once again occupies today.

This particular building has quite a curious history. Built as a nursing home in the 17th century, its resident in the second quarter of the 18th century was Anton pl. Hohenwart, the great-great-grandson of Janez Vajkard Valvasor. An avid amateur collector (and thus in a way the predecessor of the museum), he is probably part of the reason why in 1894 the house was mistakenly labelled as the place where Valvasor spent his last year. Consequently, a plaque was put on it and in 1966 even a statue of Valvasor was raised in front of the house.

The misconception was only discovered as such during the renovation of the house in 2008. The real house of Valvasor was found not far of, known as Mencinger House. Its owner at the end of the 19th century, Janez Mencinger, was actually very vocal about the unfounded claims about it supposedly being Valvasor's home, yet he was unaware that in fact his house was the actual one. Eventually, in 2013 this building also came to be partly led by the museum.

Valvasor complex

Between 2008 and 2010, three of the most prominent houses in Krško's historic city centre were renovated, one of them the one where the museum is now stationed. Along with the two others – Jarnič House and Kaplan House – the area was (somewhat misguidedly) named the Valvasor Complex. Nowadays, this complex also houses the tourist information centre, the local JSKD office, and the offices of various municipal cultural institutions as well as hosts a few local cultural associations.

Collections and the museum programme

The collection about Valvasor and his family has a number of their documents and artefacts, including a facsimile of Valvasor's graphic collection called Iconotheca Valavsoriana, and presents some some general social phenomena of that time. The second collection deals with honey products and gingerbread making, and is in a way also connected to Valvasor, as he researched and presented the ways of beekeeping and honey processing in his time. The historical trade of honey between Krško and the city of Zagreb is displayed in this context as well. Another collection is called "The Long Enlightenment 18th Century" and yet another is dedicated to the 19th century businesswoman and patron Josipina Hočevar. There is also an exhibition of works by the sculptor Vladimir Štoviček.

Temporary displays are regularly held and deal with topics such as the history of local and regional urban crafts and communities. A number of events about topics related to both the permanent and temporary exhibitions are held, as well as numerous other happenings. A varied set of workshops is organised for school children. The museum also co-runs a project in which unused shop windows around the city are temporarily transformed into arts and history displays.

In the neighbouring Mencinger House – the one where Valvasor lived – the most important feature is a room where frescoes of protestant portraits, dating from around 1550, were recently found.

See also

External links

Mestni muzej Krško +
45.968 +
Mestni muzej Krško +
15.484 +
SI-8270 Krško +
Valvasorjevo nabrežje 4 +
Newly opened in 2010 and managed by the Krško Culture House, the Municipal Museum of Krško is located in a late-renaissance mansion in the old city centre of Krško. +
Newly opened in 2010 and managed by the Krško Culture House, the Municipal Museum of Krško is located in a late-renaissance mansion in the old city centre of Krško. +
+386 / 7 492 1100 +
Krško +
SI-8270 +
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